2022 Recap Letter
Dear Friends, Neighbors and Supporters,
Thank you for your continued support of the Concerned Citizens for MI Parks (CCMIP) this past year. Our collective efforts to preserve and protect Mercer Island parks and open spaces demonstrated, once again, that we are stronger together!
This letter is a recap of our accomplishments in 2022 and a preview of what lies ahead for 2023 and beyond.
First, our mission is ….…
§ Aiding the Preservation of Parks on Mercer Island
§ Contributing to the Maintenance & Clean Up of Parks on Mercer Island
§ Promoting a Conservancy for Mercer Island Parks
A Recap of 2022 …….
I. A Parks Zone is Proposed
At the March 15, 2022 City Council meeting, an amendment to the City’s Comp Plan creating a new Land Use Element and zoning code for “Parks” was proposed by Councilmember Lisa Anderl and approved. CCMIP was supportive of the amendment as we have long advocated for greater protection of our parks and open spaces.
II. 2022 Parks Levy Approved By Voters
The City proposed the renewal of the existing parks levy plus adding funds to refresh 14 playgrounds and a vegetation management program. CCMIP provided supporters an analysis of the levy.
Mercer Island voters approved the levy overwhelmingly which, once again, confirmed Islanders strongly value a strong parks system.
CCMIP will continue to monitor to ensure those taxpayer-supplied funds are used as intended.
III. Bike Skills Area @ Island Crest Park
The City shutdown the existing bike skills area, aka a “mountain bike track”, in Upper Luther Burbank Park in September, 2021 due to safety and security issues.
The City’s Parks & Recreation Commission(“PRC”) was tasked by the City Council to locate a new site for a bike skills area. After a lengthy and extensive review, the PRC recommended to the Council that a new bike skills area be in the western portion of the Dragon Park section of Island Crest Park.
IV. Aubrey Davis Trail Safety Improvements
The City has been working with the State of WA to improve the safety of a bicycle/pedestrian paved trail that winds across the Lid. CCMIP has provided numerous public comments to the City, and will continue to stay engaged on this issue.
V. Continued Maintenance of the Native Garden
CCMIP supporters and other volunteers have spent numerous hours maintaining the Native Plant Garden in Mercerdale Park. Activities include collecting garbage and debris, notifying the City of vandalism, and alerting the City to safety issues such as downed trees blocking pathways. In addition, each month flyers announcing the “Plant of the Month” and the “Bird of the Month,” to educate park visitors about native species, are placed at the entrance to the Garden.
VI. 6-year Strategic Planning Plan Adopted
Mercer Island, like most communities, employs a comprehensive planning tool – The Parks, Recreation and Open Space (PROS) plan -- to guide the City’s investment in its parks and recreation system.
CCMIP was very engaged in the process and provided input to the Commission through written commentary and oral presentations.
One objective included in the plan is to provide greater protection for the parks. CCMIP fully intends to press for this whenever possible.
Of note, CCMIP proposed adding a new capital project to the 20-year Capital Facilities Plan: reclamation of about one-half of the existing Recycling Center parking area, and returning this area to a more natural state. This project was unanimously approved by the Parks and Recreation Commission in November, and it will be part of the upcoming Mercerdale Park Master Plan discussion.
What’s Ahead for 2023?
I. Comprehensive Plan Update
The City will continue to draft an updated plan with an expected completion in 2024. CCMIP will monitor developments especially as they relate to the proposed land use and zoning code for parks (as described above).
II. Master Plans for Mercerdale Park & Clarke/Groveland Beaches
Master plans are the City’s version of a strategic plan for a particular park. The City will kick off in early ’23 a planning process for these two parks, and CCMIP plans to be engaged in the process.
III. 30% Design of the Bike Skills Area
As noted above, the design process continues, and CCMIP wants to ensure the safety of all participants, the retention of as much tree canopy as possible, and respect the existing activities in the park.
Thank you for your continued support. As we have demonstrated many times, concerned citizens that let their voices be heard are a powerful force to preserve and protect our parks.
We are always looking for more supporters, so please visit our website, www.protectmiparks.org, or send us an email with your thoughts and ideas to protectmiparks@gmail.com.
And as always, enjoy your Mercer Island parks!
Meg Lippert, Co-Chair Peter Struck, Co-Chair Robin Russell, Treasurer Gary Robinson, VP
p.s. Your tax-deductible donations are always welcome. It’s easy! Donate here:
or mail a check to:
PO Box 1337
Mercer Island, WA 98040
Concerned Citizens for Mercer Island Parks, P.O. Box 1337, Mercer Island, WA 98040
Protect All Mercer Island Parks