City of Mercer Island City Council Regular Video Meeting Minutes
July 7, 2020
Ira Appelman, Mercer Island –expressed concern for what he believes is a rushed project to remodel the Thrift Store, explaining that the public was reassured that projects would not be rushed through during the pandemic. He encouraged the city to put the project immediately on hold until the community has an opportunity to be involved.
Al Lippert, Mercer Island –expressed concern that the $800K for the Thrift Shop project was taken from other projects. He believes expanding the Thrift Shop is a gamble and that the Council should not gamble with the public’s money.
City of Mercer Island City Council Special Video Meeting Minutes
July 14, 2020
Meg Lippert, Mercer Island –Lippert expressed concern about the protection and preservation of public parkland, specifically Mercerdale Park, in light of the Council’s discussion regarding the Thrift Shop expansion. She further noted that the community needs assurance that current public street parking on the south side of 32ndStreet would not be coopted by the Thrift Shop.
Ira Appleman, Mercer Island –Appleman objected to the building project in Mercerdale Park without public input or public participation, noting that it was a violation of the OPMA by excluding the public in making the decision. Appleman outlined his objectives and encouraged the Council to suspend all expenditures and put the project on hold until public input and involvement has occurred, and the Council has identified protections for the park.