September 26th Email:

 Dear Park Supporter,

1. PLEASE JOIN US ON Tuesday, September 28th (5:30 – 7 pm)

The City Of Mercer Island is sponsoring a Zoom Open House to gather Islanders’ input for the new Parks, Recreation, and Open Space (PROS) Plan.

This important plan, which is only revised once every 6 years, includes how Mercer Island parks & open spaces should be developed. 

To participate in the meeting and to give YOUR views in the small discussion groups, you must “register” in advance for the meeting using this link:

You can have a significant influence in these discussion groups--and on our future parkland! 

In general, CCMIP works: (1) to preserve and protect our parks from undesirable development, and (2) to expand the park system, where feasible. 

2. Thursday, October 7th (5:30 pm) Parks & Recreation Commission Zoom Meeting

At this meeting, the Commission will be reviewing a Capital Facilities Plan that lists several projects.

One project that we wish to have added is a project to reclaim about one-half of the asphalt parking lot adjacent to the Recycling Center, to return it to a natural state, and to become part of the neighboring Native Plant Garden at Mercerdale Park.

These are opportunities for all of us
to contribute to the future well-being of our beautiful parks!

PS:  A Request for Financial Support

CCMIP is run by volunteers, but we need about $500 annually to support our website, P.O. Box and other regulatory filings for our 501-c-3 status.  On occasion there are also specific efforts to educate the community on issues – most recently the City’s attempt to  build a commercial use building in Mercerdale Park.

If you can help us out, either use the DONATE button (which is working again) on the website


send a check to CCMIP, P.O. Box 1337, Mercer Island, WA 98040.  CCMIP is a non-profit, and donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Thank you!

Concerned Citizens for Mercer Island Parks

P.O. Box 1337, Mercer Island, WA 98040
Protect All Mercer Island Parks